Monday, January 25, 2016

A to Z: Things I Hate

So over this long weekend, I have been trapped at home (like I literally cannot get out), and what is a better way to spend that time than by reading other people's blogs?! It was very fun (for me, at least) to admire/judge my classmates' blogs, from Julia's "Perfect is never good enough" (really beautiful) to Georgia's "The Kim Kardashian App is Ruining my Life." (I don't even know how to describe it...). Along the way, I gathered inspiration for my blogs (I'm writing about my blogs in my blog...meta af). Today I will be basing it off of Julia's A to Z list of her favorite foods. I, as a very cynical person, decided to put my own twist on this concept and do a list of things I hate to kick off the third quarter! Please enjoy and don't get offended!

AP World History (except DMAC...he's chill)
Bad movies (aka rom coms, About Elly, most historical films, ones with too much talking, About Elly, pretentious movies, overly artsy ones, About Elly, etc)
Dabbing (it is basically sneezing without sneezing honestly people wake up)
English papers
Fetty Wap
iPhone reliance
Jar Jar Binks
Leonardo DiCaprio (there is a reason he remains Oscar-less)
Marta's stuffed cat
Non-deserving award winners/nominees (see this year's GRAMMY nominations...)
Overly dramatic actors
Pretentious/phony people (the older I get, the more I relate to Holden from Catcher in the Rye)
Quadrilateral proofs (#tb to last year's final exam)
Romeo & Juliet
Salty people
Trump, Donald (and Ted Cruz)
U (as in the abbreviation people use in texting [along with "ur"], like your life is not so busy that you can't type an extra 2 letters)
Viagra commercials
Xerox machines
Yams (basically a rip off of sweet potatoes)
Zyzzyva (this word just annoys me when I look at it)